
Part of Speech
For someone to hear something. This verb could be used to talk about hearing the sound of someone, like their (p) footsteps or other commotion, but hearing someoneʼs voice is « O-sa-S-∅-√.aax̱ »
Sample Sentences
imperative: .áx̱! | hear it!
aawa.áx̱ | they-(s) heard it
tlél awu.aax̱ | they-(s) didnʼt hear it
future (+): akg̱wa.áax̱ | they-(s) will hear it
future (–): tlél akg̱wa.aax̱ | they-(s) wonʼt hear it
Tlingit Online Dictionary
Part of Speech
for S to listen to N
Sample Sentences
át sa.áx̱! | listen to it!
líl áx̱ isa.aax̱íḵ! | donʼt listen to it!
át wusi.áx̱ | they-(s) are listening to it; they-(s) listened to it
tlél át wus.aax̱ | they-(s) are not listening to it; they-(s) didnʼt listen to it
aadé gux̱sa.áax̱ | they-(s) will listen to it
tlél aadé gux̱sa.aax̱ | they-(s) wonʼt listen to it
Tlingit Online Dictionary
listen to; obey; give heed
Part of Speech
for S to listen to, obey, give heed to N | du tláa x̱ʼéit awes.áx̱ → he obeys his mother (SN) • (KE)
Sample Sentences
imperative: du x̱ʼéit sa.áx̱! | listen to her/him!
prohibitive: líl du x̱ʼéix̱ isa.aax̱íḵ! | donʼt listen to her/him!
perfective (+): du x̱ʼéit wusi.áx̱ | they-(s) are listening to her/him; they-(s) listens to her/him
perfective (–): tlél du x̱ʼéit wus.aax̱ | they-(s) are not listening to her/him; they-(s) doesnʼt listen to her/him
future (+): du x̱ʼéide gux̱sa.áax̱ | they-(s) will listen to her/him
future (–): tlél du x̱ʼéide gux̱sa.aax̱ | they-(s) wonʼt listen to her/him
able to hear
for S to be able to hear O | for the forms that do not occur with this verb, see the ∅-conjugation eventive verb « aawa.áx̱ » ʼs/he heard itʼ, which occurs in all modes except the imperfective • as shown in the examples, the fourth person « duwa.áx̱ch » can mean for something to make a sound | núkt duwa.áx̱ch → a grouse can be heard (drumming) (SN) • wasóos duwa.áx̱ch → a cow can be heard lowing, mooing (SN) • nadáakw duwa.áx̱ch → a table can be heard creaking, squeaking (SN) • wáa sá duwa.áx̱ch? → whatʼs that sound? • (KE)
Sample Sentences
repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl ee.áx̱jiḵ! | donʼt hear it!
imperfective (+): aya.áx̱ch | they-(s) can hear it
imperfective (–): tlél oo.áx̱ch | they-(s) canʼt hear it
future (+): kei akg̱wa.áx̱ch | they-(s) will be able to hear it
future (–): tlél kei akg̱wa.áx̱ch | they-(s) wonʼt be able to hear it